Southampton’s No.1 Tuition Centre for English, Maths and Science

Specialist Dyscalculia Teaching and Assessment

Dyscalculia is a specific maths learning difficulty.  There is a great deal less known about it than dyslexia.  I’ve even met class teachers who do not know what it is let alone how to teach students who have this specific learning difficulty.  Many who have dyscalculia have no other difficulties and are achieving at expected levels in all other subjects, some may of course have other difficulties such as dyspraxia which often co-occurs.

There are some ‘online screeners’ however as a qualified assessor for dyscalculia I would steer away from these as I have had students who clearly have maths difficulties not been identified by those applications.

So if you are concerned that your child may have dyscalculia the first step would be to complete some questionnaires and I would do a face-to-face screening.  There is a charge for this of £100 which would be deducted from a full assessment fee should that be the recommendation following the screening.

A full diagnostic assessment for dyscalculia can only be conducted by a qualified assessor (such as myself) or an educational psychologist who has done additional training in maths difficulties.

Jan Thomson-Long is a specialist teacher and assessor of dyscalculia, having completed her training at Edge Hill University.

Do you need a full diagnostic assessment for dyscalculia?

Diagnosis may grant Disabled Students’ Allowance eligibility

This alone can cover the initial cost of having a diagnostic assessment for dyscalculia.

Recommendations for teachers and other professionals

Class teachers can not be versed in all specific difficulties so a diagnostic report includes recommendations as to how they can best differentiate their teaching and resources to meet your individual requirements.

Legal recognition

Dyscalculia is covered by the Equality Act 2010, meaning that education institutions have by law to take this into account and make reasonable adjustments to accommodate your difficulties.  This can include access to an Educational Health Care Plan and maybe referred to if a tribunal is necessary.

Exam Access Arrangements

Can be used as evidence to establish need by schools, at college, university or for professional qualifications.

A Diagnostic Assessment is the only way that dyscalculia can be formally identified.

Dyscalculia is a special educational need as opposed to a health need.  So it can only be diagnosed by someone who has undergone further post graduate studies in Dyscalculia holding a current Assessment Practising Certificate.

Disabled Students’ Allowance 

  • is additional funds to cover study-related costs
  • can be used to purchase specialist equipment, for example a computer if you need one because of your disability

There are many benefits to having a diagnosis of the specific learning difficulty that you or your child is coping with.

Full diagnostic dyscalculia investigation


  • Questionnaires detailing medical and educational history.
  • Observation in school or educational setting with input from teachers (when allowed)
  • Diagnostic testing using standardised approved tests designed to identify specific learning difficulties.
  • Written report in line with guidelines set by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee.
The current price for a Full Diagnostic Dyscalculia Investigation is £600.  Payable in two equal instalments, initial on commencement of investigation and final before report is released.

If you would like to have a chat about your child’s requirements, please call Jan on 0238 104 0120 or click the button below to fill in a quick form and she will call you back: